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General Regulations

    1. The use of mobiles in the school campus is strictly prohibited. We understand that mobiles have become an integral part of studies since COVID pandemic and in the present situation students cannot do without mobiles. But in spite of all this, the use of mobiles within the school campus still remains prohibited. In case some student is found carrying mobile in the school campus, disciplinary proceedings will be initiated against the student as per school procedure.
  1. Every student is expected to maintain an attendance record of at least 80 percent during the academic year failing which he/she may not be allowed to take the examination.
  2. A proper leave application must be submitted in writing by the parent to the Principal in case of absence from the school. A sample format for the same is given in the Student Daybook.
  3. Long Leave is not permitted, but in the case of emergency, prior sanction by the Principal is mandatory.
  4. The name of a student may be struck off the rolls of the school in case of his/her continued absence without leave for : six consecutive days for the student studying in Grade 9 to 12 and ten consecutive days for a student studying in all other classes.
  5. Re-admission may be granted only at the discretion of the Principal.
  1. Separate Identity Card for students and Escort Pass for parents are issued to all the students at the beginning of the session.
  2. The Identity Card must be worn by the students every day.
  3. The parents must ensure that they bring the Escort Pass when they come to pick up their child in the school or at bus stoppage.
  4. No student is allowed to go home during school hours. In case of emergency either of the parents or their representative with a valid Escort Pass issued by the school has to come personally to take the child.
  5. Loss of Identity Card/Escort Pass must be reported immediately to the school.
  6. New Identity Card/Escort Pass will be issued on payment of Rs.100/- each.
  1. All the students are supposed to wear school uniform when attending the school, Parent-Educator Meet, school celebrations, extra classes as well as while representing the school at functions outside school.
  2. All the students are required to wear only the prescribed school uniform. No modification to the uniform is allowed.
  3. All the students wearing the school uniform are supposed to ensure that their shirts are tucked in the trousers at all times.
  4. Students are expected to keep their appearance neat and tidy.
  5. For boys, the hair must be neat, short, simple and properly combed.
  6. For girls, long hair must be plaited or tied up neatly and accessories like hair clips and their bands must be black.
  7. Nails must be kept short and clean.
  8. Students should wear their winter uniform (full sleeved shirt) from 1st November and Blazers from 1st December.
  9. Sikh students who wear turban should wear a Beige colour one (same as trousers) with khaki uniform and White with the Tracksuit.
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In case a student drives a two/four wheeler anywhere outside the school campus, it is purely the responsibility of the concerned parents. But if a student is found driving in school uniform, the school steps in. Wisdom wants its students to follow the laws and behave in a civilized manner. Since school students are underage, driving for them is illegal. Any illegal activity by its students brings a bad name to the institution. Hence it is taken seriously and strict disciplinary action is taken against the offender.