Admissions Modal

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Admissions Modal

Important Notes for Parents

    1. Since the school is affiliated to CBSE, the school follows all the regulations and guidelines issued by the CBSE. At the same time education being in the concurrent list, the school is also governed by the policy decisions of Haryana Government. We wish to make it very clear that all the regulations published on our school website are laid down as per CBSE as well as Haryana Education Rules.
    2. All the parents are requested to go through all the Regulations given herewith carefully and follow the same in letter and spirit. Likewise, parents are also requested to read all the Circulars sent by the school from time to time and take the necessary action, wherever required. They are supposed to meet the given deadlines without any reminders from the school. Ignorance or lack of knowledge of the Regulations/Circulars cannot be treated as an excuse for not following the guidelines. Parents’ cooperation in this regard is highly solicited . This will certainly help in maintaining a smooth and healthy relationship between the parents and the school.
    3. The role of Grade Incharges/Subject Educators is limited to academic issues only. Parents are welcome to discuss with them the academic matters related to their wards. But when it comes to official/financial matters, parents are supposed to get in touch with the school office through the Reception.
    4. All the communication with the school is supposed to be in writing. Any verbal communication to anybody in the school will not be entertained under any circumstances.
    5. Keeping in view the convenience of the visiting parents and the smooth functioning of the school, we have fixed the visiting schedule of the parents to meet the school administrative authorities as under:
Administrative Functionary Days
Junior Wing Senior Wing
Mrs. Anita Rawal, Director &
Mrs. Poonam Rawal, Vice-Principal
Tuesday, Thursday ------
Mrs. Sangeeta Bahl, Principal ------ Wednesday, Friday
Visiting Hours: 10:00 am to 11:00 am

Parents are requested to fix up the meeting in advance by calling the Front Desk (Reception).