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Wisdom Students Council

Wisdom Students Council

We, at Wisdom, intend to provide varied opportunities and platforms aimed at students’ growth. Wisdom Students Council is formed to stimulate minds and convert ideas into actions. All the students of Grade 6 – Grade 12 are eligible to participate and be a part of the council. At this stage of  life, it is very important for students to understand and respect responsibility and start understanding oneself as a Leader or a Follower. For Wisdom Students Council, we have recognised five traits in a student that need to be honed and worked upon – Responsibility, Leadership, Empathy, Discipline and Innovation. The council is provided with a set of duties to perform and freedom to work to achieve the set goals. This set of duties involve a direct interaction with the school management and teachers and revolve around the entire routine of the school.
The selection process of the Council begins with a written round which identifies the students’ ambitions, desires, quest for learning and their love for the school. This is followed by group discussion and one-on-one interaction with the selection committee comprising of the Director, the Principal and the senior faculty members. The shortlisted condidates are subjected to a trial run on the basis of which the final Council members are selected. Wisdom Students Council comprises of 11 Ministers, 22 Deputy Ministers and 42 Class Representatives (CRs). There are 10 Educators to help them and provide the necessary guidance. The Council plays an important role in the daily routine of the school as well as undertakes social outreach campaigns. The Council also helps in the organization of various school functions and celebrations.