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At Wisdom we have three classes at the Pre-Primary level : Pre-Primary I (Bloom Bunch), Pre-Primary II (Junior Kinder) and Pre-Primary III (Senior Kinder). Pre-Primary provides a well-researched, comprehensive, thematic and creative curriculum which suggests many ideas for collaborative and active learning. The hands-on experience given to each child under each theme, quickens the learning process, increases the retention span and creates global understanding as the child is learning in a play way method. The curriculum planning is sensitive to multiple intelligence of a child and is done keeping in mind that each child is a unique individual with his/her individual learning capacity and style. All our endeavours are directed towards helping the child build upon his capabilities and achieve his fullest potential.

Assessment and Evaluation

No formal examinations are conducted for Pre-Primary classes. The performance of all the students is monitored in the class and assessed through oral work, class work, home work, work-sheets and class tests. The child’s holistic development in due course of time as well as his/her overall involvement and attentiveness in various activities is also taken into consideration while assessing his/her performance. Oral/Written class tests are also conducted regularly according to the work plan and the information of the assessment is intimated to the parents through Students Daybook.

Salient Features

A comprehensive assessment Report Card in the form of grades and remarks is issued at the end of each term in October and March apprising the parents about the child’s performance. At Wisdom, we follow a transparent system. At the end of first term all the students give a presentation in front of their parents to display their learning.

Our students’ day begins with Circle Time where they meet and greet their fellow mates. They also express gratitude for their caring Educators. We understand that a strong emotional bond between the students and their Educators is critical to healthy growth, learning, development and achieving Wisdom’s goal of Zenjin Education or the whole-person education. Kinder programs are organised to ensure that environment, experiences, activities and daily rhythms have relationship building as their starting point. The caring educator is the most important part of the learning environment for Kinder students.

Salient Features

Wisdom’s Kinder places students in the center of the curriculum.  The Kinder program explores the following themes.

The Kinder program teaches these themes through a range of individual and group activities which create a lively and positive learning environment. The emphasis is laid on experimentation, exploration, knowledge, understanding and creative ideas. Our Kindergarten curriculum ensures a smooth transition from an informal learning to a more formal Primary Curriculum.


Spaces / Infrastructure

We have well designed learning environment that keeps children safe while allowing them to explore and discover. Kinder section has well-designed, age appropriate furniture and toys which cater to the needs of the students.