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Fee Regulations

  1. Tuition Fee as well as Aadhar/Udaan Batch Fee (if applicable) are paybale for the whole academic year i.e. 12 months from April to March.
  2. Transport Charges are to be paid for 11 months excluding the month of June.
  3. The school offers only two Fee Payment Plans -- Quarterly and Annual. Parents are supposed to select any one of the two plans as per their choice.
  4. Annual Fee Payment can be opted only at the beginning of the session in April.
  5. In case of Annual Fee Payment Plan, all charges for the whole year are to be deposited in one go. In such a case, the school offers a lumpsum amount of Rs.4000/- as concession. Parents are requested to contact the school offce to avail this discount.
  6. In case of Quarterly Fee Payment Plan, the academic year is divided into four quarters as under :
    Quarter - I April to June
    Quarter - II July to September
    Quarter - III October to December
    Quarter - IV January to March
  7. The Admission Fee (if applicable), the Monthly Mandatory Recurring Fee alongwith the Aadhar/Udaan Batch Fee (if applicable) and the Transport Charges for the 1st quarter are to be deposited at the time of admission. However, the Monthly Mandatory Recurring Fee alongwith the Aadhar/Udaan Batch Fee (if applicable) and the Transport Charges for the remaining three quarters are supposed to be paid in advance at the beginning of every quarter.
  8. Parents are supposed to deposit the fee only ONLINE in HDFC BANK. The payment can be made through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking/UPI.
  9. Fee payment procedure :
    Step I Visit the school website
    Step II Click the button 'FEE PAYMENT'
    Step III Enter the Scholar Number without slash & year For example: Scholar ID 11/2011 should be entered as 11 only
    Follow the instructions given by the portal
    Follow the given instructions to proceed further.
  10. Last date to deposit the fee (without late fee) : upto 24:00 midnight of the 10th day of due month. After the due date the system will automatically charge late fee @ Rs. 50 per day. The due month for quarterly fee are April, July, October and January.