Earth Day was celebrated with a lot of zeal and enthusiasm in both the Senior and the Junior Wings. Students of Grade VII put up a scintillating dramatic performance. All the students of the Senior Wing were engaged in making creative cloth bags from rags. In the Junior Wing a dance drama was performed by students to highlight the importance of trees. An Open House Quiz was also organised to create awareness about our environment.
The festival of Baisakhi was celebrated in both the Senior and the Junior Wings. This year, the celebration was even more special as our New Students who have joined this session put up an enthralling show in both the wings. The festivities were marked by music and dance performances. Those students who were the A1 Achievers and excelled with 100% attendance in 2018-19 were honoured on the occasion in the Junior wing, whereas the format of ‘Clubs Wisdom’ was announced for the new session in the Senior wing.
Happy Feat is a string of fun cultural, games and literary competitions for Kindergarten students. Various activities such as Cross the Tunnel, Chatter Box, Balloon Balancing, etc were conducted and joyfully performed and relished by the students. Just like ‘Neenv’, this was a No Competition event. Happy Feat was conducted on 22nd and 23rd May and has set the stage for the upcoming Happy Feat competitions!
Neenv is a series of cultural & literary competitions for the student of Grade I – V. Various kinds of competitions are conducted throughout the year under one umbrella – Neenv. As per tradition, this year also Neenv started with a No Competition month and gave the students a platform to showcase their talent. Truth And Dare – A Talent Hunt was conducted in which students participated and gave their best in the activity of their choice. The two day hunt conducted on 14th & 15th May was full of zeal and a witness of immense raw talent ready to ripe.